Spring Vibes Incoming: Your April Event Calendar Is Here!
Greetings, ESN adventurers! As the last pages of exam season turn, we're thrilled to unveil a December calendar bursting with excitement and camaraderie.
Get ready to embark on a year filled with thrilling adventures
ESN Dokuz Eylül University has announced its BoD and BoA update for the year 2023-24
ESN Dokuz Eylül Univesity has updated its Board of Directors and Board of Auditors.
ESN Dokuz Eylul University has new board of administers and board of auditers.
Are you ready for NA journey in İzmir?
Happy Mother's day to all the devoted mothers who are always there for us, who have endured all difficulties with their compassion and love.
The Erasmus+ programme foresees a gradual shift towards fully digital mobility management and the new Online Learning Agreement (OLA) will play a crucial role in streamlining the Erasmus+ administrative workflows, particularly from 2021 onwards.
Chill'ness camping event in Foça with all ESN sections in Turkey, İzmir at 13-15 May
Chill'ness camping event in Foça, İzmir at 13-15 May
